Located close to the Tortuguero National Park on the North Caribbean coast, Manatus Boutique Hotel is the ideal lodging option to enjoy all of its natural beauties in a peaceful and comfortable environment. The 12 large luxury bungalows surrounded by nature are designed with a sense of peace and comfort and feature air conditioning, satellite TV, Wi-Fi, private terrace with bench, mini bar, outdoor private patio with shower, hand-painted sinks, and private bathroom. At Manatus, guests connect to the surrounding water canals and wildlife sanctuary of Tortuguero. The a la carte Ara Macaw Restaurant delights guests’ senses with an Afro-Caribbean gourmet fusion menu (all meals included during the hotel stay). Enjoy local Costa Rican dishes such as breadfruit, rice and beans, or the great variety of seafood and delicious cosmopolitan dishes. Eco-friendly electric boats, outstanding guides, VIP service – at Manatus Hotel guests can enjoy an unforgettable experience. Amenities include an outdoor pool with a splendid view of the Tortuguero main channel, spa services upon request, wildlife waterway tours and Wi-Fi.

Manatus Hotel ****

Adress Tortuguero
Location Tortuguero
Phone +506 2709 8197
Homepage https://manatuscostarica.com
Fax --
E-mail info@manatuscostarica.com

Seasons and Rates

Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 219 438 657 876 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 407 730 1005 1208 268 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 579 1034 1398 1740 373 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 185 370 555 740 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 336 596 810 1020 216 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 477 834 1149 1416 306 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 219 438 657 876 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 407 730 1005 1208 268 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 579 1034 1398 1740 373 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 185 370 555 740 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 336 596 810 1020 216 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 477 834 1149 1416 306 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 219 438 657 876 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 407 730 1005 1208 268 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 579 1034 1398 1740 373 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 219 438 657 876 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 407 730 1005 1208 268 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 579 1034 1398 1740 373 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 185 370 555 740 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 336 596 810 1020 216 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 477 834 1149 1416 306 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 219 438 657 876 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 407 730 1005 1208 268 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 579 1034 1398 1740 373 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 185 370 555 740 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 336 596 810 1020 216 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 477 834 1149 1416 306 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (0 - 10)Child Notes
Addicional Night 219 438 657 876 Incl. all meals
Package 2 Days / 1 Night 407 730 1005 1208 268 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights 579 1034 1398 1740 373 Incl. all meals + 2 tours
Rates include all meals in the lodge, tours, guide and taxes.
Maximum luggage 25 lb. per person.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes

We would like to thank all our guests who have been travelling with us since 1994 in the most beautiful time of the year - their well-deserved holidays. When developing itineraries for groups and individual travelers, selecting our local service partners and caring about the well-being of our guests, we always focus on the highest possible quality standards. Since the founding of Amadeus Travel, we have been committed to sustainable tourism as the only long-term viable form of tourism, e.g. through our social commitment, visiting and supporting private and state nature reserves as well as the training of our team and experienced, fully licenced tour guides.