Die Hacienda Guachipelin ist eine Öko-Lodge in einem 1'400 Hektar großen, bewirtschafteten Landgut zu Füssen des Vulkans Rincon de la Vieja. Die 79 komfortablen Zimmer und Suiten im Ranch-Stil verfügen über eine moderne Ausstattung mit kostenlosem WLAN, Klimaanlage, Deckenventilator, Safe und eigenem Bad. Das hoteleigene Restaurant serviert traditionelle costa-ricanische Gerichte und die Bar im Erdgeschoss eine große Auswahl an Getränken. Im Hotel gibt es zudem einen Wellnessbereich mit einer breiten Palette von Anwendungen, einen Swimmingpool und natürliche heiße Quellen. Auf dem Gelände der Hacienda werden viele Abenteueraktivitäten angeboten.

Hacienda Guachipelin Hotel ***

Adress Rincón de la Vieja, Guanacaste
Location Rincón de la Vieja
Phone +506 2690 2900
Homepage https://www.guachipelin.com
Fax --
E-mail info@guachipelin.com

Seasons and Rates

Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Family Superior 222 222 278 335 45 Incl. breakfast
Honeymoon Suite 549 549 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 1 King Volcano View 279 279 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 2 King Volcano View 265 265 322 378 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King 252 252 308 365 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen 238 238 294 351 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Standard (- 8 room) - Groups 159 159 204 34 Incl. breakfast
Standard - Groups Incl. breakfast
Superior 187 187 233 278 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen 218 218 264 309 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. 30 35
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl. 15 18
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Family Superior 266 266 323 379 45 Incl. breakfast
Honeymoon Suite 395 395 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 1 King Volcano View 323 323 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 2 King Volcano View 310 310 366 422 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King 296 296 352 409 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen 282 282 339 395 40 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Standard (- 8 room) - Groups 190 190 235 34 Incl. breakfast
Standard - Groups Incl. breakfast
Superior 219 219 264 309 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen 252 252 298 343 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. 30 35
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl. 15 18
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Family Superior 222 222 278 335 45 Incl. breakfast
Honeymoon Suite 549 549 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 1 King Volcano View 279 279 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 2 King Volcano View 265 265 322 378 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King 252 252 308 365 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen 238 238 294 351 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Standard (- 8 room) - Groups 159 159 204 34 Incl. breakfast
Standard - Groups Incl. breakfast
Superior 187 187 233 278 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen 218 218 264 309 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. 30 35
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl. 15 18
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Family Superior 208 208 264 321 45 Incl. breakfast
Honeymoon Suite 499 499 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 1 King Volcano View 265 265 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 2 King Volcano View 245 245 301 358 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King 231 231 288 344 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen 218 218 274 331 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Standard (- 8 room) - Groups 144 144 189 34 Incl. breakfast
Standard - Groups Incl. breakfast
Superior 173 173 218 263 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen 205 205 250 296 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. 30 35
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl. 15 18
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Family Superior 222 222 278 335 45 Incl. breakfast
Honeymoon Suite 549 549 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 1 King Volcano View 279 279 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 2 King Volcano View 265 265 322 378 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King 252 252 308 365 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen 238 238 294 351 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Standard (- 8 room) - Groups 159 159 204 34 Incl. breakfast
Standard - Groups Incl. breakfast
Superior 187 187 233 278 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen 218 218 264 309 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. 30 35
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl. 15 18
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Family Superior 208 208 264 321 45 Incl. breakfast
Honeymoon Suite 499 499 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 1 King Volcano View 265 265 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 2 King Volcano View 245 245 301 358 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King 231 231 288 344 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen 218 218 274 331 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Standard (- 8 room) - Groups 144 144 189 34 Incl. breakfast
Standard - Groups Incl. breakfast
Superior 173 173 218 263 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen 205 205 250 296 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. 30 35
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl. 15 18
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Family Superior 222 222 278 335 45 Incl. breakfast
Honeymoon Suite 549 549 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 1 King Volcano View 279 279 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite 2 King Volcano View 265 265 322 378 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King 252 252 308 365 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite King - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen 238 238 294 351 45 Incl. breakfast
Legacy Suite Queen - Mín. 8 rooms Incl. breakfast
Standard (- 8 room) - Groups 159 159 204 34 Incl. breakfast
Standard - Groups Incl. breakfast
Superior 187 187 233 278 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen 218 218 264 309 34 Incl. breakfast
Superior Queen - Min 8 hab Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. 30 35
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl. 15 18
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Superior Queen 303 303 353 403 37 Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Mandatory Meal / Extra Adult Child (4 - 12) Infant (0 - 3) Room
Christ­mas Dinner 85 60 0
New Year´s Eve Dinner 109 80 0
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl.
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl.
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Superior Queen 303 303 353 403 37 Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Mandatory Meal / Extra Adult Child (4 - 12) Infant (0 - 3) Room
Christ­mas Dinner 85 60 0
New Year´s Eve Dinner 109 80 0
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl.
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl.
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (4 - 12)Child Notes
Superior Queen 241 241 291 340 37 Incl. breakfast
Roomrate includes entrance to the pools, hot springs & sauna.
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl.
Price per childChildChild (4 - 12) includedincl.incl.

Wir danken all unseren Gästen herzlich, die wir seit 1994 in der schönsten Zeit des Jahres - ihrem wohlverdienten Urlaub - betreuen durften. Bei der Ausarbeitung der Reiseprogramme für Gruppen und Individualreisende, der Auswahl unserer lokalen Servicepartner und dem Wohlbefinden unserer Gäste setzen wir auf bestmögliche Qualität. Seit der Gründung von Amadeus Travel sind wir dem nachhaltigen Tourismus als einziger zukunftsfähiger Tourismusform verpflichtet. Dies setzen wir u.a. mit sozialem Engagement, dem Besuch und der Unterstützung privater und staatlicher Naturschutzgebiete sowie der Schulung unseres Teams und der erfahrenen, lizenzierten Reiseleiter um.